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On Your Feet, Daughter of Zion

Here it is two days after Thanksgiving already! Christmas is soon approaching. I would say at the doors, but I know some of you already have your trees up. LOL. For the past few days, I have been pondering this year, 2016. I have meditated on all the Lord has done, but I am even more excited about what He has promised to do in the upcoming days.

Early in the year, the Lord began speaking to me about how He was bringing women of God into a new season. We are, according to His word in Proverbs 31:10, "chayil" (hebrew for strength, efficiency, wealth and army) and a force to be reckoned with!

I probably missed a few opportunities to proclaim that word this year. However, today more than ever that word is burning in my heart. I read this scripture in the Message bible today...

Micah 4:13 "On your feet, Daughter of Zion! Be threshed of chaff, be refined of dross. I'm remaking you into a people invincible, into God's juggernaut to crush the godless peoples. You'll bring their plunder as holy offerings to GOD, their wealth to the Master of the earth." The Message Bible.

In this Hebraic year of 5777, the year of the Sword of the Lord, the LORD's chayil is being summoned as never before. This is what I am hearing...

On your feet daughter of the Most High, grab your sword and take up your cross. I have been training you for this very time and this very season. Do not say of yourself, "I do not know", because I have given you an unction from the Holy One and you know all things. Do not say of yourself, "I am not ready", for I have told you to be ready in season and out of season. This is not about the natural you but about the spiritual Kingdom of God I have placed in YOU! The Kingdom is now and the Kingdom in you is not unprepared, but ready to take on this commissioning. You are equipped and you are even being empowered of My Spirit with a new baptism of fire from heaven. Believe that this is what I am doing... this is what I have promised. So on your feet Daughter...I am remaking you and know without a shadow of doubt you are mine, my firebrand, and this is the company of the overcomer!

A Word of Encouragement

On Your Feet


PS. We are going to be hosting a bible study on Lisa Bevere's book "Girls with Swords". More info to come.

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